The Great Outdoors Project:
helping you to thrive in nature
We know from independent research and the testimony of our own participants, that connecting people with nature as part of a group in an outdoor activity or an indoor workshop is a great way to improve emotional and physical wellbeing, reduce anxiety, create social connections and learn about both ourselves and the natural world.

The Great Outdoors Project offers adults in Kirklees the chance to take their first steps into nature on our taster courses; to explore their relationship with the outdoors on mindful walks and through the direct experience of open spaces; to interact and contribute on practical tasks at our Community Allotment; to express themselves creatively using eco-crafts, natural art, and photography and to be active and enjoy themselves by walking and running in the biggest gym possible.

"This is my favourite
fplace to walk. I love
fthis place."
"This is my first time growing
fplants on my own... it's
freally rewarding."
"It's really opened my eyes
fto how much fun it is to
fgrow things from seeds."
Hear from some of our participants about how attending S2R sessions has helped them...
Find out more about one of our most popular sessions, the Peace Pit Growing Group...
Workshop videos
We have created a variety of online videos, tutorials and workshops for you to enjoy. You will find all our videos and our specialised playlists on our Facebook page.
Take a look at our new February Schedule for all of our upcoming face-to-face sessions, creative workshops and some more of our brilliant Facebook and Zoom sessions too.